Monday, May 10, 2010

Banksy Sightings

Banksy was in SF recently for his movie "Exit Through The Gift shop" and threw up a couple pieces. The first one is in China Town and the second one is in the Mission. We decided to check them out and we weren't alone. When we found each of them and stopped to check them out, crowds of 20-30 people started forming. Followed quickly by cellphone photos and conversations like "Oh, I heard about this guy on the news, blah blah blah.." This British guy was tyring to tell the Asian shop owner that her wall was worth millions now and not to wash it off. Apparently she listened because someone drilled a piece of plastic into the brick wall so no one could wash it off. Its pretty crazy seeing the pieces in person and if you get the chance I recommend checking them out.

Some idiot decided to piggy back tag under the one in the mission. Fucking idiot.

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