Here are some photos I shot with my Holga. It always takes me a while to finish a roll on this camera because I don't shoot with it much. But I really like the way the photos turn out, and how you're never sure what you're going to get back. I'm going to try and shoot with it more now.

Sunken City, the bros checking out sea creatures.

I believe this is Venice beach, with a double exposure of someone else..Since I don't shoot with it much I always forget if I advanced the roll to the next frame or not. This also explains why there is only 8 out of 12 shots from this roll.

Dan Ching, f/s blunt.

My shoes, I like the way this one turned out.

Bros: Russian George, Bert, Blake, and Mr. Auckland.

Shane aka Master of all pumps, aka the rat king at Venice Beach.

Shane, working those angles.

Cory and Roger putting in work for the Chocolate video, walking back to the starting line. I've been interested in shooting double exposures lately(or in this case triple). Since this being the last shot of the roll I went for it, with out the much needed tripod.